A bibliography on happiness and well-being in Sanskrit (and other ancient Indian languages)

[Work in progress]

Banavathy, V. K., & Choudry, A. (2014). Understanding Happiness: A Vedantic Perspective. Psychological Studies, 59(2), 141‑152.

Cerulli, A. (2012). On the allegorization of action for health. eJournal of Indian Medicine, 5, 25‑35.

Cousins, L. S. (1996). Good or skillful? Kusala in Canon and Commentary. Journal of Buddhist Ethics, 3, 136‑164.

Flanagan, O. J. (2007). The really hard problem meaning in a material world. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

Flanagan, O. J. (2011). The Bodhisattva’s Brain Buddhism Naturalized. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

Glucklich, A. (2011). Virtue and Happiness in the Law Book of Manu. International Journal of Hindu Studies, 15(2), 165‑190.

Kumar, K. (2006). The role of spirituality in attaining well-being: the approach of Sanatana Dharma. In Dimensions of Well-being. Research and Intervention (éd. Delle Fave, A.). Milano: Franco Angeli.

Schmitthausen. (2013). Kuśala and Akuśala: Reconsidering the Original Meaning of a Basic Pair of Terms of Buddhist Spirituality and Ethics and Its Development up to Early Yogācāra. In U. Kragh (Ed.), The Buddhist Yogācārabhūmi Treatise and Its Adaptation in India, East Asia, and Tibet (p. 440‑495). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University.

Tedesco, P. (1954). Sanskrit kusala- « Skilful, Welfare ». Journal of the American Oriental Society, 74(3), 131–142.

Zimmermann, F. (2004). « May godly clouds rain for you! » Metaphors of well-being in Sanskrit. In E. Ciurtin (Éd.), Du corps humain, au carrefour de plusieurs savoirs en Inde: mélanges offerts à Arion Rosu par ses collègues et amis à l’occasion de son 80e anniversaire (p. 371‑382). Paris : De Boccard.

elephant and rider

I wish to thank all the colleagues who kindly helped my to gather these references (E. Ciurtin, B. Kellner, U.T. Kragh, P. Maas)

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Pascale Haag (15 novembre 2014). A bibliography on happiness and well-being in Sanskrit (and other ancient Indian languages). Well-being & Happiness. Consulté le 14 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/va9b

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